Michelson Interferometer
Interference Pattern
Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Precision Interferometer, 650265:
- Time for preparing an experiment is very short: The adjusted Interferometer can be stored in the solidly built box. For an experiment only the micrometer has to be swang out and a He-Ne-laser has to be placed in front of the divergence lens.
- Due to given component positions the assembly for all experiments can be done easily.
- Due to the reflecting screen the experiments can be carried out at daylight (no direct solar radiation).
- Michelson interferometer
- Fabry-Perot interferometer
- Estimation of the refraction index of glass 1
- Estimation of the refraction index of air 1, 2
- Twyman-Green test of optical components (qualitatively) 1
1 with Accessory Kit, 650266: vacuum cell and a glass plate mounted
on a rotating holder
2 simple vacuum pump necessary
- Heavy (5,5 kg), rigid (thickness 25 mm) and large (245 mm x 330 mm) base made of black anodized aluminium.
- Large optical components: beam-splitter diameter = 40 mm, mirrors = 40 mm x 40 mm.
- precision beam splitter: flat to 1/10 wavelength (frontside) and 1/4 wavelength (rearside).
- User friendly mirror movement due to an eccentric gear control. One division mark at the micrometer corresponds to a mirror movement of roughly 10 nm. The exact ratio is signed individually on each interferometer. With the given ratio the wavelength measurements are exact to at least ±5%.
Instruction sheet including examples and physical background:
Interferometer-en.pdf (511 kB)

Fresnel Mirrors, 650272:
- dimensions of both mirrors: 29 mm x 95 mm
- shaft made of stainless steel, 10 mm diameter
- holder is made of black anodized aluminium
- height of the mirror centre over shaft end = 150 mm (standard height)
- regulating range approx. -0,5° to +2°
- mirror protection made of acrylic glass
Instruction sheet including examples and physical background:
Fresnel-Mirror.pdf (130 kB)

Slide Holder, rotatable, 650317:
- for positioning standard slides (50 mm x 50 mm, max. 4 mm thick) in the optical axis
- height of the slide centre over shaft end = 150 mm (standard height)
- rotating range -90° to +90°, scale division in 5° steps
- screen diameter = 130 mm, hole = 44 mm
- shaft diameter = 10 mm
- a slide with a thickness of 3 mm is exactly above the middle of the shaft